The Video games theory

Luigi and his friends were Video games
They always enjoyed Video games to relax when things were getting stressful.(Things were a bit stressed at the moment due to a unhappy love affair between luigi and samus) They thought nothing Video games all the time - it was just a way of life.
But things were different today.
Someone was watching them enjoy Video games, and it was starting to get creepy.
"The creepy guy is creeping me out", said Dex Foster.
"Yes, me too. Especially how he keeps licking his lips and stroking himself as he watches us"
Just then the man walked over too us.
"I am a talent scout"
"Owww...THAT explains it"
"Luigi, I have been watching you while you did some Video games. Your skilled. VERY skilled."
"Oh, yes, luigi is great at it" said DEX FOSTER.
"INDEED. maybe the greatest. Look at luigis body. His anckle! His shoulder! His elbow! Its like he is built for Video games! Every aspect of his perfect physique built for that one divine purpose. "
"I thought he was built for loving!" said Dex Foster
"I am thus going to officially invite luigi to the Video games championship!" continued the talent scout.
"We are going to the championship!?" said Dex Foster
"Yes, the ticket has a +1. And you both go straight to the final!"
"But you will be fighting against someone else that made it to the final...someone you know well....Masterhand.EXE!"
"Then its settled" said luigi. "We go. We cant let Masterhand.EXE win at anything. Even Video games."
So they left for the stadium.
The next day, luigi was day dreaming.
Dex Foster snapped him out of it by bursting into his room.(They were naked.btw. But that's not important right now - A/N)
"Luigi! The contest starts soon! Your late! Mario and Masterhand.EXE have already changed into their Video gamesing kits! "
"Oh, nooes I over slept! Thats not like me at all. "
Luigi got dressed on the way down stairs, and skidding into the Arena.
The audience was already there and he got a big appose as he entered.
" made it I seee. Had a nice night?" Masterhand.EXE sneered.
At that moment luigi realized he had been drugged! That explained the strange dreams last night. Masterhand.EXE must have drugged him while they were talking the other day.
It was too late to do anything about it though. He had to hope there was no more surprises.
The starter walked on at that moment, told them to get ready.
Masterhand.EXE grinned at hero. Showing all their evil teeth
"Blam!" The starter fired the starting mortors and the contest had begun!
Mario took the early lead, but luigi quickly caught up with the Video gamesing. Mario was sweating like mad trying to stay in the contest.
Masterhand.EXE was relaxed though - barely Video gamesing at all!
"Whats he upto? Its like he is not even trying"
"And why does he care anyway? He always said Video games was stupid "
"I know, somethings not right" said luigi while pulling of a particularly difficult Video games move.
Just then disaster striked!
There was a loud bang BANG! and mario collapsed.
Luigi Video gamesed backwards for a bit.
"Mario! Are you ok?"
"urg...sabotage..." mario collapsed.
"Who did it? Who...?"
Masterhand.EXE grinned.
Just then the gong went. It was half-time.
As mario was carried taken to hospital by helicopter, luigi and Dex Foster retired to the locker room.
Masterhand.EXE was already there, still grinning.
"Oh what a shame. Mario isn't going to compete any more. Even doing nothing I'm going to come second. You know...I might just let you win..out of my....generosity... " Masterhand.EXE sniggered again.
With that Masterhand.EXE left out the backdoor.
"Gosh darn-it" Dex Foster said. "Masterhand.EXE drives me mad! "
"You know, I think he had something to do with Marios accident "
Luigi was thinking. hard.
"Masterhand.EXE is never generous. Lack of generosity is his number one defining characteristic. Well, that and evil"
"That means..." said Dex Foster, her slow cogs working.
"...he wants to come second!" said luigi, thinkingly.
"Do you think thats..."
"....because he wants the second prize medal!" said Luigi, winning again.
"It must be because the second prize is really the end of the game "
"Yes, now that Iook at the second prize I notice it now. Its clearly the the end of the game"
"That explains why someone would want to become second!"
"So we have to beat Masterhand.EXE by being the best at coming second? How are we going to do have never lost before! "
"I know" said luigi. "I am not sure I know how"
"You got to though. Just this once you got to come second!"
"No I cant. But I have an could compete!"
"Me?" said Dex Foster, surprised. "Do they even allow girls like me to do Video games?
"Yes, its a modern contest, a few girls have already competed. I'll win the contest as normal, and you will come second. You can do this!"
"Ok luigi, I'll do it. I'll do it for you"
Then the Gong went again, the final leg of the Video games contest had begun!
As they walked into the Video gamesing Arena again there was applause from the crowd.
Masterhand.EXE was lying down relaxing - clearly pretty relaxed.
"I want to compete!" shouted Dex Foster, proudly wearing a Video gamesing kit already.
"What!?" said Masterhand.EXE sitting bolt upright in panic.
"Yes, I am competing" said Dex Foster.
"I have checked the rules and its allowed" said samus, who was the Video gamesing referee.
"GAH! I'll bet you anyway" said Masterhand.EXE as he desperately starting Video gamesing.
Luigi was already well in the lead by now, so he turned around and watched the real contest - the one between Masterhand.EXE and Dex Foster.
Dex Foster had to get that second prize. The Earth depended upon it.
"You cant defeat me" screamed Masterhand.EXE as he started Video gamesed internsely.
"I have to! Luigi believes in me! "
The contest went on a long time. Aside from luigi, Dex Foster and Masterhand.EXE were the best Video games-ers in the world.
The crowd went wild as they approached the finish.
"Come on Dex Foster! You can do it! " said luigi who had already won an hour ago.
Spurred on by Luigi Dex Foster put in a last burst of effort, doing a stunning Video games move and finnishing spectacularly.
"Nooooooooooooo...." screamed Masterhand.EXE.
Samus fired the rifles that officially marked the contest as over.
"Nooooooooooooo...." screamed Masterhand.EXE.
"Well dont Dex Foster! You have come second and officially get the second prize award " said samus as she handed Dex Foster the second prize award.
"Nooooooooooooo...." screamed Masterhand.EXE.
Dex Foster looked at the prize and it was the the end of the game! Luigi had been right all along. She gave it to luigi as she knew only they should be trusted with it.
"Nooooooooooooo...." screamed Masterhand.EXE.
"Ok, the Earth is safe now " said Luigi.
"Thank you Luigi!" screamed the crowd.
Luigi took a bow.
With that Masterhand.EXE got arrested and everyone else went home.
-The End